出版社:MADE - Mestrado em Administração e Desenvolvimento Empresarial
摘要:This research presents a critical analysis of value co-creation in online shopping based on a decade of academicmarketing literature. It was carried out with quantitative - bibliometric and bibliographic - and qualitative contentanalysis. The identification of main theories, paradigms and constructs, as well as research cliques, helps inestablishing the theoretical framework necessary for an incipient research field such as this. The analysisidentified four main research lines: customers as co-creators within the interaction with companies; customeremployeeco-creation issues; customers’ interaction with other clients resulting in co-creation; and the impactsof social network resources in online shopping behavior. A crucial factor regarding co-creation in online settingsis that the advances of technology empowered consumers. Additionally, customer co-creation is at the core ofonline shopping innovations, and the interactivity provided by the online shopping setting is ideal for value cocreationto flourish. Nevertheless, this is still a new research area and relevant studies are scarce. Understandingthe latest advances in value co-creation in online shopping and what lies ahead is essential in grasping thestructure of digital commerce in the era of service logic.