摘要:Kota Lama Kudus atau yang lebih sering disebut Kudus Kulon adalah sebuah kawasan bersejarah yang berada di Kabupaten Kudus, Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Kabupaten Kudus terbagi menjadi dua yaitu Kudus Kulon dan Kudus Wetan dengan sebuah sungai sebagai pemisah kedua area tersebut. Kudus Kulon atau Kota Lama Kudus merupakan cikal bakal kota Kudus dan sebuah tempat bersejarah dengan adanya makam Sunan Kudus dan Masjid Menara Kudus. Kudus yang kita kenal sekarang ini selain adanya Masjid Menara dan Makam Sunan Kudus, juga terkenal karena industri rokok. Dalam sejarah dikisahkan dahulu industri rokok berkembang mulai dari home industry di Kota Lama Kudus sekitar tahun 1900. Jauh sebelum industri rokok berkembang, sudah ada perdagangan yang memajukan daerah Kota Lama Kudus yaitu perdagangan palawija dan tembakau. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang mendeskripsikan serta menginterpretasikan karakteristik arsitektur Kota Lama Kudus. Deskripsi dan interpretasi ini penting dilakukan karena kondisi terkini Kota Lama Kudus sudah mengalami banyak perubahan. Data diambil melalui observasi lapangan tentang kondisi rumah, permukiman dan kawasan Kota Lama Kudus. Pada daerah sekitar Masjid dan Menara Kudus, permukiman didominasi oleh rumah-rumah Kilungan sehingga membentuk jalan-jalan berbentuk lorong seperti labirin. Semakin jauh dari Masjid dan Menara Kudus bentuk permukimannya berubah menjadi rumah-rumah terbuka tanpa dinding kilungan. Selain lingkungan permukimannya, arsitektur rumah di Kota Lama Kudus juga beragam. Ada rumah tradisional Kudus dengan bangunan sisir (tempat usaha), rumah tradisional Kudus tanpa bangunan sisir, rumah gedong (gaya eropa) dan rumah kilungan (rumah di dalam pagar tinggi). Tiga arsitektur rumah tersebut adalah asli sebagai karakteristik arsitektur Kota Lama Kudus. Faktor yang mempengaruhi karakteristik arsitektur di Kota lama Kudus adalah aktivitas yang di lakukan di kawasan tersebut.
其他摘要:Kota Lama Kudus or more commonly called Kudus Kulon is a historic area located in
Kudus District, Central Java Province. Kudus District is divided into two namely Kudus Kulon and
Kudus wetan with a river as a separator of both areas. Kudus Kulon or Kota Lama Kudus is the
forerunner of Kudus city and a historic place with the tomb of Sunan Kudus and Mosque of Menara
Kudus. Kudus that we know today besides the existence of the Masjid Menara and the Tomb of Sunan
Kudus, also famous for the cigarette industry. In the history of the first cigarette industry began to grow
from the home industry in the Kudus Old City around the year 1900. Long before the cigarette industry
develops, there is a trade that promotes the area of the Old Town Kudus palawija and tobacco trade.
This research is qualitative descriptive research that describes and interpret the architectural
character of Kota Lama Kudus. These descriptions and interpretations are essential because the
current condition of the Kudus Old City has undergone many changes. The data was taken through
field observations on the condition of houses, settlements and the area of the Old City. In the area
around the Mosque and the Menara, the settlements are dominated by Kilungan houses to form alleyshaped
streets such as labyrinths. The farther away from the Mosque and the Menara form the
settlements are transformed into open houses without the globe walls. In addition to its residential
neighborhood, the architecture of the house in the Kudus Old City also varied. There is a traditional
Kudus house with a sisir building (place of business), a traditional Kudus house without a sisir building,
a gedong house (European style) and a kilungan house (house inside a high fence). The three
architectural houses are genuine and are a character of the architecture of the Kudus Old City. Factors
affecting the architectural characteristics of the old city of Kudus are the activities undertaken in the
关键词:karakteristik; arsitektur; rumah; permukiman; Kota Lama Kudus
其他关键词:Empirically; the availability of parks contributed to the development of children’s place attachment.
Having a sense of place attachment is essential for children’s physical and mental well-being. This paper aimed to
obtain an understanding whether child-friendly integrated public spaces or called RPTRA; which was initiated and
built extensively by The Jakarta City Provincial Government since 2015; had contributed to the development of
children’s place of attachment and if RPTRA was considered as one of children’s favourite place. How children’s
sense of attachment to RPTRA could be understood using three-dimensional; person-place-process framework.
This paper described a study of ten RPTRA located in Jakarta. We examined and measured children’s sense of
attachment to RPTRA; based on observation; interviews; and data collected from children (n-597) who completed
on-site questionnaires. The results show that 77% of children had developed a sense of attachment to RPTRA
and 95% of children had positive feelings towards RPTRA as one of their favourite places. The development of
children’s sense of attachment to RPTRA: 1) occurs at collective level with peers; 2) is influenced by place
dimensions; such as easy access and proximity between RPTRA and home; security; availability of outdoor
facilities for playing; and availability of indoor facilities for studying and other educative activities; and 3) is
expressed through actions; experiences; repetitive movements or proximity-maintaining behaviors and length of
time spend in RPTRA.