摘要:Television is a mainstream media that is able to survive amid the crush of media on
line. Television developments occur until in the area, giving rise to local television.
Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) has set up procedures local television
aired on the Broadcasting Law No. 32/2012 and P3 SPS. Where local television has a
role to develop the potential of the region. This study focused on the potential and
promotional messages of Culture and Tourism (Dikbudpar) Malang. It also dug local
television perspective in understanding the local content, which will be the two concepts
will be used as a reference for designing the concept of local content on local television
to develop culinary wosata Malamg. The method in this study is qualitative. To get the
data researchers are working with informants from Dikbudpar Malang and local
television in Malang. The data is then analyzed using interactive model of Miles and
Huberman and domain analysis Spradley. This study aims to provide inputs to the
government of Malang and local television media on the design concept of local content
that can be used to develop culinary tourism Malang.
关键词:Konten lokal; Televisi Lokal dan Pengembangan Pariwisata