摘要:The purpose of this study is to find a strategic position for the development of ecotourism in Poncokusumo through the Grand Strategy Matrix Analysis. The study was conducted in Poncokusumo, 80 km to south from Malang. The samples of this study were consisting of Tourists, Pokdarwis, local community and tourist destination management, totaling 100 respondents. Sampling in this study was based on purposive sampling technique. This study used SWOT analysis (structure, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats) through 6 (six) stages: 1) Determining Ecotourism SWOT Indicators; 2) Weighting of SWOT values; 3) Determination of the value of the measuring scale; 4) Weighted value formulations; 5) Calculate the weighted value difference; 6) Making a Grand Strategy for the SWOT analysis matrix (Aggressive, Turn around, Survival, Diversification). The results of this study indicate that Poncokusumo ecotourism is in the first position of consciousness (0.4: 0.85) which means that the attraction of ecotourism has the strength and opportunity to be developed, so the strategy that needs to be implemented in order to maximize the strength of tourist attractions in the form of natural tourism, ecology sustainable and community empowerment (tourism conscious groups) as well as taking advantage of opportunities because of tourism service support, high tourist motivation for interest in visits to the attraction of eco-tourism and the lack of tourist competitors.
其他摘要:Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menemukan posisi strategis pengembangan ekowisata
poncokusumo melalui Grand Strategy Matrix Analysis. Studi ini dilaksanakan di
Poncokusumo selatan 80 km. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari Wisatawan, Pokdarwis,
Masyarakat dan pengelolah destinasi wisata yang berjumlah 100 responden.
Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini didasarkan pada teknik purposive sampling.
Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan Pendekatan: Analisis SWOT (Strenght, Weakness,
Opportunity dan Threats) melalui 6 (enam) tahapan: 1) Menentukan Indikator SWOT
Ekowisata; 2) Pembobotan nilai SWOT; 3) Penetapan nilai skala ukur; 4) Formulasi nilai
tertimbang; 5) Menghitung selisih nilai tertimbang; 6) Membuat Grand Strategy Matrik
analisis SWOT (Aggressive, Turn around, Survival, Diversifikcation). Hasil penelitian ini
menunjukan bahwa ekowisata Poncokusumo berada pada posisi kuadaran pertama
(0,4:0.85) yang bermakna bahwa daya tarik ekowisata memiliki kekuatan dan peluang
untuk ditumbuh kembangkan, sehingga strategi yang perlu dijalankan adalah
memaksimalkan kekuatan daya tarik wisata berupa keunikan wisata alam, ekologi berkelanjutan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat (Kelompok sadar wisata) sekaligus
memanfaatkan peluang karena dukungan dinas pariwisata, tingginya motivasi
wisatawan terhadap minat kunjungan daya tarik ekowista serta sedikitnya kompetitor
关键词:Development Strategy; Grand Strategy; Matrix Analysis
其他关键词:Analisis Matrik; Grand Strategy; Strategi Pengembangan;