摘要:This article focuses on the study of the contextualization of the meaning of the h}ad?th about tashabbuh using both macro and micro socio-historical study approach. The study was conducted to find the significance of the meaning contained in the h}ad?th about the prohibition of tashabbuh , using the study of h}ad?th literature and historical sources. The results of the study found that; (1) the study of the hadith about prohibition of tashabbuh cannot be understood by only using a textual-literal approach, because it can only narrow down the meaning of h}ad?th, so it is more likely to lead to a funda-mentalist-radicalist understanding; (2) Studying the h}ad?ths is to find the meaning behind the text, context, and contextualization of the h}ad?th, theologically norma-tive aims to maintain the faith dan the belief in tawh?d , while socially cultural aims to relize the Islamic founda-tion as tolerance and rahmah; (3) there are two types of tashabbuh in the theological-normative domain; showing absolute prohibition, and social welfare; showing skill as long as it does not conflict with the basic rules of shari'ah and realizes maslahat for human life.
关键词:Reconsiliation; tashabbuh; contextualization;
local wisdom