摘要:Each year students will look for a suitable school for students . Problems arise when there are a lot of options that provide diverse schools offer to prospective students . Contributions of students self concept and parent s involvement supposed to influence in the selection of secondary schools . This study aimed to describe: 1) self - concept of students of SMPN 25 Padang, 2) parent s involvement of SMPN 25 Padang, 3) students secondary school selection , 4) the contribution of students self-concept against secondary school selection, 5) contribution parental involvement against secondary school selection, 6) the contribution of students self-concept and parental involvement against secondary school selection. This co r elation al descriptive research applied quantitative method. The population of the research were students in grade I X of SMPN 25 Padang also u sing proportional random sampling technique. The instrument of th is research was the Likert scale model. The data obtained were analyzed by using descriptive statistic, simple regression and multiple regression . The research findings were: 1) students self concept in average w ere in high category, 2) parent al involvement in average w ere in high category, 3) students selection of secondary school w ere in high category, 4) there are significance different between students self concept against students selection of secondary school amount 44.3% (R = 0. 666 ), 5) there are significance different between parent al involvement toward students selection of secondary school amount 51.1% (R = 0. 715 ), and 6) there are significance different between students self concept and parent al involvement toward students selection of secondary school amount 54.2% (R = 0. 736 ). The implication of this research may useful to design a guidance and counseling program, especially career guidance .
关键词:Students self-concept; parental involvement; students secondary school selection