摘要:Awareness of environmental cleanliness is very important, especially for those who live along the river. Cikapundung is a river that stream down from the north until the south in Bandung City, the Capital of West Java Province, Indonesia. Cikapundung river's conditions is so bad. The data showed that 90% rubbish from the people who live along the Cikapundung River discarded in to the river. The condition causes the river receives the waste bin more than 5.5 million liters/day. To resolve this problem, the government launched a environmental cleanliness campaign that called “Gerakan Cikapundung Bersih” (GCB).The purpose of this campaign will not be achieved if the campaign messages can not be conveyed properly to the public, especially people who live in the Cikapundung Riverbank. Therefore, this research contains a study on the flow delivery of campaign messages consisting of the receipt of the message, the form of the message and the use of media in the GCB campaign. This research showed that the presence of the local community who care of cleanliness Cikapundung River has an important role in the process of delivering campaign message. Face to face communication channels with the informal message used by the local community. While the mass media with the formal message used by the government to delivering campaign messages.
其他摘要:Abstract: Awareness of environmental cleanliness is very important, especially for those who live along the river. Cikapundung is a river that stream down from the north until the south in Bandung City, the Capital of West Java Province, Indonesia. Cikapundung river's conditions is so bad. The data showed that 90% rubbish from the people who live along the Cikapundung River discarded in to the river. The condition causes the river receives the waste bin more than 5.5 million liters/day. To resolve this problem, the government launched a environmental cleanliness campaign that called “Gerakan Cikapundung Bersih” (GCB). The purpose of this campaign will not be achieved if the campaign messages can not be conveyed properly to the public, especially people who live in the Cikapundung Riverbank. Therefore, this research contains a study on the flow delivery of campaign messages consisting of the receipt of the message, the form of the message and the use of media in the GCB campaign. This research showed that the presence of the local community who care of cleanliness Cikapundung River has an important role in the process of delivering campaign message. Face to face communication channels with the informal message used by the local community. While the mass media with the formal message used by the government to delivering campaign messages. Abstrak: Kesadaran kebersihan lingkungan sangat penting, terutama bagi mereka yang tinggal di bantaran sungai. Cikapundung merupakan sungai yang mengalir dari utara sampai ke selatan Kota Bandung. Kondisi Sungai Cikapundung sangatlah buruk. Data menunjukkan bahwa 90% sampah dari orang-orang yang tinggal di sepanjang Sungai Cikapunung dibuang ke sungai. Kondisi tersebut menyebabkan sungai ini menerima limbah sampah lebih dari 5,5 juta liter/hari 1 . Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, pemerintah mencanangkan kampanye kebersihan lingkungan yang disebut Gerakan Cikapundung Bersih (GCB). Tujuan dari kampanye ini tidak akan tercapai apabila pesan-pesan kampanye tidak dapat tersampaikan dengan baik kepada masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat yang tinggal di Bantaran Sungai Cikapundung. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berisikan kajian mengenai alur penyampaian pesan kampanye yang terdiri dari proses penerimaan pesan, bentuk pesan dan penggunaan media dalam kampanye Gerakan Cikapundung Bersih (GCB). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kuualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi kepustakaan. Triangulasi sumber dilakukan dan member check dilakukan untuk menguji keabsahan data yang digunakan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan komunitas yang peduli akan kebersihan Sungai Cikapundung memiliki peran penting dalam proses penyampaian pesan kampanye. Saluran komunikasi tatap muka digunakan oleh komunitas dalam menyampaikan pesan kampanye secara informal. Sedangkan saluran komunikasi massa digunakan oleh pemerintah untuk menyampaikan pesan kampanye secara formal.
其他关键词:Kampanye;Gerakan Cikapudung;Komunikasi Lingkungan