摘要:Social media is used as a medium for promotion and marketing to drive consumers to buy. SumoBoo! is a trademark of Indonesia to adopt the Japanese culture and the Japanese dessert outlets that optimize the use of social media. Posting photos SumoBoo dessert! through social media a little more able to provide added value and influence of brand equity like an advertisement. Utilization of social media here also make customers as a promotional agent of SumoBoo! either consciously or unconsciously. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of SumoBoo! dessert photo exposure through social media Instagram to the SumoBoo! customer's brand equity, and is expected to prove that social media can be one effective media campaign in accordance with the development of today's digital economy. The approach used in this study is a quantitative survey methods. Linear regression model was used to measure media exposure of the brand equity. The theory used in this research is the theory of cultivation by George Gerbner. From the research it can be seen that the influence of exposure of Instagram as social media to brand equity is positive and significant. Media exposure accounted for 21.1% of the equity of the brand, while the rest is influenced by other variables of marketing communication concepts that have not been studied.
其他摘要:ABSTRA CT Along with the development of the digital era, now the people of Indonesia, especially Jakarta coexist and can not be separated with the technology. The use of technology is not only used for ease of daily activities, but also implemented in various sectors, one sector of the economy. Social media is used as a medium for promotion and marketing to drive consumers to buy. SumoBoo! is a trademark of Indonesia to adopt the concept of Japan and the Japanese Dessert booth presenters whose success relies on social media trends. Posting photos SumoBoo dessert! through social media a little more able to provide added value and influence of brand equity like an advertisement. Utilization of social media here also make customers as a promotional agent of SumoBoo! either consciously or unconsciously. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of SumoBoo! dessert photo exposure through social media Instagram to the SumoBoo! customer's brand equity, and is expected to prove that social media can be one effective media campaign in accordance with the development of today's digital economy. The approach used in this study is a quantitative survey methods. Variable relationship model is a simple model. To measure contained two subvariable Media Exposure: Frequency and Intensity. Brand equity (Aaker) has four subvariable: Brand Awareness, impression quality, brand association, and brand loyalty. The theory used in this research is the theory of cultivation by George Gerbner. From the research it can be seen that the influence of exposure of Instagram as social media to brand equity is positive and significant. Media exposure accounted for 21.1% of the equity of the brand, while the remaining 79.9% is influenced by other variables not examined. ABSTRAK Seiring dengan berkembangnya era digital, kini masyarakat Indonesia khususnya Jakarta hidup berdampingan dan tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan teknologi. Pemanfaatan teknologi tidak hanya digunakan bagi kemudahan aktivitas sehari-hari, namun juga diimplementasikan ke dalam berbagai sektor, salah satunya sektor ekonomi. Media sosial dimanfaatkan sebagai media promosi dan pemasaran untuk meningkatkan minat beli konsumen. SumoBoo! adalah merek dagang Indonesia yang mengadopsi konsep Jepang dan merupakan gerai penyaji Japanese Dessert yang kesuksesannya bertumpu pada tren media sosial. Postingan foto dessert SumoBoo! melalui media sosial sedikit banyak mampu memberikan nilai tambah dan mempengaruhi ekuitas merek layaknya sebuah iklan. Pemanfaatan media sosial disini juga menjadikan pelanggan sebagai salah satu agen promosi dari SumoBoo! baik secara disadari maupun tidak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara terpaan foto dessert SumoBoo! melalui media sosial Instagram terhadap ekuitas merek pelanggan SumoBoo!, dan diharapkan mampu membuktikan bahwa media sosial dapat menjadi salah satu media promosi yang efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan ekonomi digital saat ini. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Model hubungan variabel adalah model sederhana. Untuk mengukur Terpaan Media terdapat dua subvariabel: Frekuensi dan Intensitas. Ekuitas Merek (Aaker) memiliki empat subvariabel: Kesadaran Merek, Kesan Kualitas, Asosiasi Merek, dan Loyalitas Merek. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Teori Kultivasi oleh George Gerbner. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa pengaruh antara terpaan dari Instagram sebagai media sosial terhadap ekuitas merek adalah positif dan signifikan. Terpaan media memberikan kontribusi sebesar 21,1% terhadap ekuitas merek, sedangkan sisanya 79,9% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti.