摘要:Liquidity is the fulfillment of bank liabilities that must be considered in the Islamicbanking operations and errors in the management of liquidity can cause loss of Islamicbanking which have an impact on the decline for the profit sharing to deposits customersand shareholders of Islamic banking. This study was to investigate the influence ofexternal factors (Economic Performance (EK), inflation (INF), the Global FinancialCrisis (D07)) and internal (Non Performing Financing (NPF) and Rate of Return(Deposit) of banks to liquidity (FDR) of Sharia Banking in Indonesia. Data werecollected on a monthly basis from January 2003 - October 2015 times series data aretested by unit root and cointegration using Eviews 6.1. to determine the relationshipbetween the variables in the long run. Based on the results of cointegration tests indicatethat in long term relationships, NPF and EK variables have a significant and negativeinfluence on the FDR, RRD variables have significant and positive influence on the FDRwhile variable INF and D07 does not have a significant influence on the FDR. It can beconcluded that the Islamic banking must pay attention to the increase in marketing ofIslamic banking products to increase liquidity despite good economic conditions andlower financing problems to increase the liquidity of Islamic banking.
关键词:FDR; Banking External and Internal Factors (Economic Performance;
Inflation; Global Financial Crisis; NPF; Rate of Return (Deposit);