摘要:Financing in Sharia Micro Financing Institutions (BMT) is dominated by certaintycontracts, as it has less risk than syirkah contract like Mudharabah or Musyarakah basedon Natural Uncertainty Contract (NUC). Implementation constraints syirkah contractsexist on both parties, financial institutions and clients. due to lack of financial reports,honesty and transparency of the client's business (asismetric information). The Clientgives a business report if the results obtained are small or equivalent to the bank interestrate, but if the business profit is good, then the profit share must be high. This research isa qualitative descriptive analytical research, to see the implementation of syirkahcontract on Sharia Micro Finance Institution (BMT) in Jepara Regency and its syariahcompliance based on DSN-MUI fatwa. The results showed that BMT in Jepara regencycan not fulfill the compliance of shariah contract of Natural Uncertanty Contract (NUC)due to high risk, human resource capability and low comprehension and lack of client'sfinancial report.