摘要:The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the effect of using the research based learning model for forth-year of social studies students in History Practicum In School course, and 2) to study the students’ satisfaction on research-based learning (RBL) in History Practicum In School Course. The Action Research activities was employed in the study. The research findings found that: 1) For the effect of using the research-based learning model for forth-year of social studies students in History Practicum in School course had two aspects: achievement and research skills. 2) For the students’ satisfaction in research-based learning (RBL), in overall, it was in “High” level. Considering each aspect, found that the students’ satisfaction in “Highest” level on the following aspects: Students have been clarified about the goals or objectives of the course. Students have many learning activities, from a variety of sources, both inside and outside the classroom. And from the comments found that most of them was satisfied that they had researched history in Laos.
关键词:Research Based Learning; Social Studies; History Course