摘要:The purpose of this research is to develop language games on grade III fairytale materialin elementary schools, to know the validity and practicality of language games that havebeen developed. The development model used is the Borg & Gall development model.The subjects of the study were grade III students at SDN 4 Kebonagung and SDN Mrican1. Data collection techniques were by observation and questionnaire. Data analysis usesdescriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results of the study were language gamesdeveloped as many as 13 games presented in three types of learning stages. Thirteenlanguage games, validated by Indonesian learning experts with a value of 85.8%. Theseresults, that the language game in class III fairy tale material elementary schools wasdeclared very valid and very complete. In addition to validity, practicality is obtained fromuser or teacher assessments. Both teachers considered that the development of languagegames could be used with a value of 89.2%.