摘要:The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Discovery Learning model inimproving student achievement. This research method uses classroom action researchmethods, then this research was conducted in 2 cycles, where the first cycle uses discoverylearning method that is equipped with structured work drawings on the topic ofwall construction material and basic ship construction and in the second cycle uses discoverylearning method which is equipped with a simulator model on the topic of basicshipbuilding construction with ship wall construction. The results showed the number ofstudents who reached the Minimum Mastery Criteria increased from the first cycle to thesecond cycle, from 15 students (46.87%) to 27 students (84.37%). This increase alsooccurred in the increase in student activity, where julmah students were active in thefirst cycle 37.50% of students to 90.62% of students. So that these results indicate anindication of increased student understanding of ship interior work material.