摘要:This research is a development that aims to develop mathematical learning media in the form of an interactive CD. Interactive CD is supporting learning to improve problem solving ability junior high school students. Development of interactive CD using 4D model was modified. Results of the expert validation assessment showed interactive CD on the very good category with an average score of 4.23 out of a maximum range 5. Test the practicality of interactive CD shown by the positive responses from teachers and students. Results showed that the effectiveness of interactive CD has effective in improving problem solving abilities. This was demonstrated by the average problem solving ability of students that used interactive CD has achieved mastery of individual and classical. In addition, the average problem solving ability of students to use interactive CD was better that not using interactive CD.
关键词:Ardunino nano; Reed switch; Educational game kit Collaborative Assessment; Ethnomathematics; Mathematics Ability Counting Ability; Jarimatika Demonstrasi; Video Pembelajaran; Membaca Puisi Flash Full Day School; Kecerdasan Majemuk; Spiritual Quotient Labor; Vocational School; Graduates Model; Pembelajaran; Etnolinguistik; Mahasiswa;WhatsApp; Implementation; Integrated English; students’ responses blended learning diskusi e-learning guided inquiry higher order thinking hilly area; thematic learning; primary school international relations kurikulum; Telaah kurikulum; Sekolah Dasar; KTSP; Kurikulum 2013 learning device learning model partisipasi belajar pemahaman konsep; nilai tempat bilangan; gelas warna Isi Jurnal Cari Lingkup Pencarian Semua Authors Title Sari Indeks Teks Lengkap Telusuri By Issue By Author Berdasarkan Judul Other Journals Ukuran Huruf Informasi Untuk Pembaca For Authors For Librarians Journal Help Open Journal Systems Beranda Tentang Kami Login Daftar Cari Terkini Arsip Informasi Indeksasi Beranda > Vol 7; No 1 (2016) > Maharani PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA CD INTERAKTIF MATEMATIKA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH SISWA SMP Hevy Risqi Maharani M Abdul Basir Abstract This research is a development that aims to develop mathematical learning media in the form of an interactive CD;Interactive CD is supporting learning to improve problem solving ability junior high school students;Development of interactive CD using 4D model was modified;Results of the expert validation assessment showed interactive CD on the very good category with an average score of 4.23 out of a maximum range 5;Test the practicality of interactive CD shown by the positive responses from teachers and students;Results showed that the effectiveness of interactive CD has effective in improving problem solving abilities;This was demonstrated by the average problem solving ability of students that used interactive CD has achieved mastery of individual and classical;In addition; the average problem solving ability of students to use interactive CD was better that not using interactive CD.