摘要:The problem in this research is "Differences of Cooperative Learning Outcomes Type Example Non Example Media Assisted Images Against 5th Grade Students of State Elementary School Bener 02 In Science Subject Semester II, with sub research problem that is, student learning outcomes control group on science subjects in Process materials Soil Formation due to weathering in 5th grade State Elementary School Bener 01, student learning outcomes experimental group on science subjects in the process of Soil Formation process due to weathering in 5th grade State Elementary School Bener 02 and Differences of control group learning outcomes with experimental group applying the model of learning Example Non Example media-aided images on science subjects in materials The process of Soil Formation due to weathering in 5th grade State Elementary School Bener. Variables in this study consisted of independent variables and dependent variables, this study using experimental methods, with the form of research is a quasi-experimental research. The experimental design used in this research is Pretest Posttest Control Group Design. Population in this research that is all student of class 5 which amounted to 63 student. This sampling technique using saturated sample technique. Data collection techniques used in this research are test, observation and documentation. Based on the analysis of data obtained: the average of control group learning outcomes amounted to 69,336, student learning outcomes in the experimental group amounted to 84.454, based on the calculation using t test in obtaining the value of significance / probability 0.000 <0.05 then H_0 rejected then Ha accepted. This means that there are differences in the results of science learning significance in grade 5 students of State Elementary School Bener 02 in learning using the model of learning Example Non Example.
关键词:Ardunino nano; Reed switch; Educational game kit Collaborative Assessment; Ethnomathematics; Mathematics Ability Counting Ability; Jarimatika Demonstrasi; Video Pembelajaran; Membaca Puisi Flash Full Day School; Kecerdasan Majemuk; Spiritual Quotient Labor; Vocational School; Graduates Model; Pembelajaran; Etnolinguistik; Mahasiswa;WhatsApp; Implementation; Integrated English; students’ responses blended learning diskusi e;learning guided inquiry higher order thinking hilly area; thematic learning; primary school international relations kurikulum; Telaah kurikulum; Sekolah Dasar; KTSP; Kurikulum 2013 learning device learning model partisipasi belajar pemahaman konsep; nilai tempat bilangan; gelas warna Isi Jurnal Cari Lingkup Pencarian Semua Authors Title Sari Indeks Teks Lengkap Telusuri By Issue By Author Berdasarkan Judul Other Journals Ukuran Huruf Informasi Untuk Pembaca For Authors For Librarians Journal Help Open Journal Systems Beranda Tentang Kami Login Daftar Cari Terkini Arsip Informasi Indeksasi Beranda > Vol 7; No 2 (2017) > Lestari PERBEDAAN HASIL BELAJAR EXAMPLE NON EXAMPLE TERHADAP SISWA KELAS 5 PADA MATA PELAJARAN IPA Ina Lestari Indri Anugraheni Abstract The problem in this research is "Differences of Cooperative Learning Outcomes Type Example Non Example Media Assisted Images Against 5th Grade Students of State Elementary School Bener 02 In Science Subject Semester II; with sub research problem that is; student learning outcomes control group on science subjects in Process materials Soil Formation due to weathering in 5th grade State Elementary School Bener 01; student learning outcomes experimental group on science subjects in the process of Soil Formation process due to weathering in 5th grade State Elementary School Bener 02 and Differences of control group learning outcomes with experimental group applying the model of learning Example Non Example media;aided images on science subjects in materials The process of Soil Formation due to weathering in 5th grade State Elementary School Bener;Variables in this study consisted of independent variables and dependent variables; this study using experimental methods; with the form of research is a quasi;experimental research;The experimental design used in this research is Pretest Posttest Control Group Design;Population in this research that is all student of class 5 which amounted to 63 student;This sampling technique using saturated sample technique;Data collection techniques used in this research are test; observation and documentation;Based on the analysis of data obtained: the average of control group learning outcomes amounted to 69;336; student learning outcomes in the experimental group amounted to 84.454; based on the calculation using t test in obtaining the value of significance ; probability 0.000 <0.05 then H_0 rejected then Ha accepted;This means that there are differences in the results of science learning significance in grade 5 students of State Elementary School Bener 02 in learning using the model of learning Example Non Example;Teks Lengkap: PDF DOI: https:;;doi.org;10.24176;re.v7i2.1221 Article Metrics Abstract views : 295 PDF views : 635 Refbacks Saat ini tidak ada refbacks;View My Stats