摘要:As práticas estão desconsiderando os tempos de vida dos alunos. Isso está provocando uma crise na escola contemporânea, afetando a ordem dos discursos que, historicamente detém-se, tão somente, ao currículo, desconsiderando os tempos de vida dos sujeitos. Desse modo, não é sobre o produto do conhecimento que se deve recair o foco das discussões curriculares, mas sobre os processos de construção e consideração dos tempos escolares no currículo da EJA. Assim, ao longo do presente artigo, reforçaremos que as construções temporais melhor se desenvolvem e se estabilizam quando estas são afirmadas como resultado da interseção de políticas públicas e de práticas escolares, estruturando-o da seguinte forma: Iniciaremos com tema: Adultos Jovens – Jovens Alunos: uma relação transversal com o tempo, que trará alguns esclarecimentos acerca dos conceitos de adulto, jovem e sua relação com o tempo. Bem como, alguns tópicos relevantes sobre Currículo, Escola e Aluno. Em tempo, traremos algumas inferências a respeito dos tempos sombreados nos discursos escolares e, finalizaremos com uma análise, resultado do trabalho de campo se desenrolou entre junho 2014 a agosto de 2015, com visitas periódicas à unidade escolar NEEJA3. O trabalho de campo mesclou instrumentos de investigação (entrevistas e observações) ligados às diversas dimensões constituintes do tempo escolar, que envolveram alunos das totalidades sete, oito e nove, que equivalem a séries fi nais do Ensino Médio, que estimou escores para tal. Palavras – chave: EJA. Currículo. Tempo School times and lifetimes: (re) thinking pedagogical practices of the EJA in contemporary times ABSTRACT The practices are disregarding the lives of students times. This is causing a crisis in contemporary school, affecting the order of speeches that historically dwells, alone, to the curriculum, disregarding the lifetimes of subjects. Thus, it is not about the product knowledge that should bear the focus of curriculum discussions, but on building processes and consideration of school time in the curriculum of EJA. Like this, throughout this article, we will strengthen the temporal constructions better develop and stabilize when they are asserted as a result of the intersection of public policies and school practices, structuring in the following way: in the First Chapter, we treat the theme: Young adults - Young students: a cross-relationship with time, which will bring some clarification about adult concepts, young man and his relationship with time. Just like, some relevant topics on Curriculum, School and Student. Follows with the Second Chapter where we will make some inferences about the shady times in school and speeches, and we conclude with an analysis result of the field work that was conducted between June 2014 to August 2015, with periodical visits to the school unit NEEJA. Fieldwork merged research instruments (interviews and observations) connected to the various constituent dimensions of school time, involving students of wholes seven, eight, nine, equivalent to final grades of high school, which estimated scores for such.
其他摘要:The practices are disregarding the lives of students times. This is causing
a crisis in contemporary school, aff ecting the order of speeches that
historically dwells, alone, to the curriculum, disregarding the lifetimes
of subjects. Thus, it is not about the product knowledge that should
bear the focus of curriculum discussions, but on building processes
and consideration of school time in the curriculum of EJA. Like this,
throughout this article, we will strengthen the temporal constructions
better develop and stabilize when they are asserted as a result of the
intersection of public policies and school practices, structuring in the
following way: in the First Chapter, we treat the theme: Young adults -
Young students: a cross-relationship with time, which will bring some
clarifi cation about adult concepts, young man and his relationship with
time. Just like, some relevant topics on Curriculum, School and Student.
Follows with the Second Chapter where we will make some inferences
about the shady times in school and speeches, and we conclude with an
analysis result of the fi eld work that was conducted between June 2014
to August 2015, with periodical visits to the school unit NEEJA. Fieldwork
merged research instruments (interviews and observations) connected
to the various constituent dimensions of school time, involving students
of wholes seven, eight, nine, equivalent to fi nal grades of high school,
which estimated scores for such.