摘要:Dados revelam que é recente a preocupação com a educação especial em quilombos. Contudo, a Fundação Cultural Palmares aponta números crescentes de regularização de terras quilombolas em todo território nacional, o que fortalece o debate sobre as escolas localizadas nessas comunidades. Neste estudo, buscou-se mapear as regiões do Brasil nas quais há escolas situadas em áreas remanescentes de quilombos, observar suas características e verificar quais delas contam com a educação especial para alunos, membros das comunidades com deficiência, altas habilidades e transtornos globais do desenvolvimento, público alvo da educação especial. Para tanto, foi realizado um trabalho com indicadores educacionais do ano de 2015. A seleção deste período justifica-se no fato de serem estes os dados mais atualizados sobre a temática em estudo.Para a leitura e tratamento estatístico dos microdados da Educação Básica, foi utilizado o software IBM SPSS, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences . Foram analisados, nos microdados do censo escolar, os dados das escolas segundo a localização diferenciada, área remanescente de quilombo no ensino regular, na educação especial e atendimento educacional especializado, um dos serviços da educação especial. Além disso, foram registrados dados específicos sobre caracterização e infraestrutura das escolas. Os resultados mostram que há alunos com deficiências nas escolas localizadas em área remanescente de quilombo tentando se escolarizar e que, em condições adversas, as escolas vêm buscando cumprir seu papel. Há escolas que oferecem o atendimento educacional especializado, contudo, ainda é uma minoria. Palavras chave: Educação Especial. Área Remanescente de Quilombo. Escola. La educación especial en las escuelas en áreas remanentes de quilombos: la realidad mostrada por los indicadores educativos ABSTRACT Data reveal that the concern with special education in quilombos is recent. However, the Palmares Cultural Foundation points out increasing numbers of quilombola lands regularization throughout the national territory, which strengthens the debate about schools located in the communities. This study aimed to map the regions of Brazil where there are schools located in remaining areas of quilombos, their characteristics and which have special education for students, members of communities with disabilities, high skills and global development disorders disorders, target public special education. To do so, the study was carried out with educational indicators for the year 2015. The selection of this period is justified by the fact that these are the most up-to-date data on thesubject under study. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used for reading and statistical treatment of Basic Education microdata. In this paper, we present a review of the literature on the education of children and adolescents in the United States. In addition, specific data on school characterization and infrastructure were recorded. The results show that there are students with disabilities in the schools located in the remaining quilombo area trying to go to school and that in adverse conditions the schools have been trying to fulfi ll their role. There are schools that offer specialized educational services, yet it is still a minority.
其他摘要:Data reveal that the concern with special education in quilombos is
recent. However, the Palmares Cultural Foundation points out increasing
numbers of quilombola lands regularization throughout the national
territory, which strengthens the debate about schools located in the
communities. This study aimed to map the regions of Brazil where there
are schools located in remaining areas of quilombos, their characteristics
and which have special education for students, members of communities
with disabilities, high skills and global development disorders disorders,
target public special education. To do so, the study was carried out with
educational indicators for the year 2015. The selection of this period
is justifi ed by the fact that these are the most up-to-date data on the
subject under study. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used
for reading and statistical treatment of Basic Education microdata. In this
paper, we present a review of the literature on the education of children
and adolescents in the United States. In addition, specifi c data on school
characterization and infrastructure were recorded. The results show that
there are students with disabilities in the schools located in the remaining
quilombo area trying to go to school and that in adverse conditions the
schools have been trying to fulfi ll their role. There are schools that off er
specialized educational services, yet it is still a minority.
关键词:Educação Especial;Área Remanescente de Quilombo;Escola.
其他关键词:Special Education. Remaining Area of Quilombo; School.