摘要:Der Lehrkräftemangel an beruflichen Schulen in gewerblich-technischen Domänen gab auch in der Vergangenheit immer wieder Anlass, durch die Umgestaltung der Ausbildungsangebote oder auch die Schaffung von Quereinstiegen zusätzliche Rekrutierungspotentiale zu schaffen (Nickolaus 1996; Ziegler 2004). Die dauerhafte und unterschiedliche Ausbildungsmodelle übergreifende Rekrutierungsproblematik, verweist vermutlich auf dahinterliegende Grundprobleme, die unabhängig von den jeweiligen Ausbildungsmodellen wirksam sind. Anlehnend an die Interessentheorie von Holland (1997) wird unterstellt, dass die für Technikpädagogikstudierenden notwendigen bzw. wünschenswerten Interessenprofile eher selten aufzufinden sind. Vor dem Hintergrund partieller fachlicher Überschneidungen der Studiengänge Berufspädagogik und der Ingenieurwissenschaften mit dem Studiengang Technikpädagogik wird der Frage nachgegangen, in welcher Weise sich deren Interessenprofile unterscheiden und ob bzw. in welchem Ausmaß, sich die Studiengänge der Berufspädagogik und der Ingenieurwissenschaften als Rekrutierungspotential für die Technikpädagogik eignen. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass bezogen auf die Interessenprofile, insbesondere Studierende ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Fächer Schnittmengen mit Studierenden der Technikpädagogik aufweisen Schlüsselwörter: Lehrkräfterekrutierung, Technikpädagogik, berufliches Interesse, Berufswahltheorie _________ The structure of vocational interests from students and the involved potential for the recruitment from students of lectureship The dearth of teaching staff at technical vocational schools led to the creation of additional recruitment potentials. Examples thereof are the reorganisation of the training programs, and the possibility of different entrance models (Nickolaus 1996; Ziegler 2004). The enduring recruitment difficulty which spans a wide range to the different kinds of training models underscores the ubiquity of this problem. In agreement with the theory of vocational choice of Holland (1997), it is imputed, that the necessary or desirable characteristic interests for vocational education teachers are lacking. Partial overlaps of the interest profiles of vocational education teachers with that of students of vocational education studies can also be assumed. Given this background, the question of how the interest profiles of the aforementioned fields of studies differ, and to what extent vocational education studies and engineering sciences offer a recruitment potential for engineering pedagogy, is being investigated. It was apparent that in particular students of engineering sciences had intersections in their interest profiles with students of engineering pedagogy.
其他摘要:The dearth of teaching staff at technical vocational schools led to the creation of additional
recruitment potentials. Examples thereof are the reorganisation of the training programs,
and the possibility of different entrance models (Nickolaus 1996; Ziegler 2004). The enduring
recruitment difficulty which spans a wide range to the different kinds of training models underscores
the ubiquity of this problem. In agreement with the theory of vocational choice of Holland
(1997), it is imputed, that the necessary or desirable characteristic interests for vocational education
teachers are lacking. Partial overlaps of the interest profiles of vocational education teachers
with that of students of vocational education studies can also be assumed. Given this background,
the question of how the interest profiles of the aforementioned fields of studies differ,
and to what extent vocational education studies and engineering sciences offer a recruitment potential
for engineering pedagogy, is being investigated. It was apparent that in particular students
of engineering sciences had intersections in their interest profiles with students of engineering