标题:El concepto de pensamiento crítico según estudiantes chilenos de pedagogía
其他标题:This paper analyzes the concept of critical thinking according to the perspective of a group
of preservice teachers from a Chilean university; they are currently in the fourth year of their
program. Twenty future teachers participated in a focus group discussion in which they expressed
their perspectives on the subject. The answers collected were analyzed using the content analysis
technique, which allowed the creation of different categories. Among the most recurrent concepts
about critical thinking, we could find: analyzing, reflecting, reasoning, change generation and
problem solving. The students defined a critical thinker in their different dimensions: as someone
competent, both cognitively and socially, and, at the same time, as someone who takes personal
and collective aspects into account. The interviewees also mentioned their role of educating critical
thinkers, and explained some of the key elements for making that possible. Some of them were:
teaching the importance of feeding on reliable information sources, and accepting feedback from
their peers. After a comparison between the interviewees’ conceptualizations and the existing
literature, it is found that the students’ perspectives are closely related to those of theory.
期刊名称:Sophía: Colección de Filosofía de la Educación
出版社:Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
摘要:El presente trabajo analiza el concepto de pensamiento crítico según la perspectiva de ungrupo de estudiantes de pedagogía provenientes de una universidad chilena, quienes se encuentrancursando el cuarto año de su carrera. Veinte futuros profesores de diferentes programas deformación docente participaron de la muestra, con un método de recolección de datos centrado enla técnica del grupo focalizado, en el cual los participantes expresaron sus perspectivas respecto altema. Las respuestas recogidas fueron analizadas utilizando la estrategia del análisis de contenido,la cual permitió generar diferentes categorías. En cuanto a los conceptos más recurrentes conrespecto al pensamiento crítico fueron: analizar, reflexionar, razonar, generar cambios y resolverproblemas. Los estudiantes definieron al pensador critico en distintas dimensiones como alguiencompetente cognitiva y socialmente, y a la vez, como alguien que considera los ámbitos tantopersonal como colectivo. Los entrevistados también hacen mención a su papel como formadoresde pensadores críticos y explican algunos de los elementos clave para ejecutar esta tarea; algunosde los cuales son: educar en la importancia de valerse de fuentes de información confiables yaceptar retroalimentación de parte de los pares. Se realiza, además, una comparación entre lasconceptualizaciones de los entrevistados y la literatura existente, y se descubre que las perspectivasde los participantes coinciden estrechamente con los planteamientos de la teoría.
其他摘要:This paper analyzes the concept of critical thinking according to the perspective of a group
of preservice teachers from a Chilean university; they are currently in the fourth year of their
program. Twenty future teachers participated in a focus group discussion in which they expressed
their perspectives on the subject. The answers collected were analyzed using the content analysis
technique, which allowed the creation of different categories. Among the most recurrent concepts
about critical thinking, we could find: analyzing, reflecting, reasoning, change generation and
problem solving. The students defined a critical thinker in their different dimensions: as someone
competent, both cognitively and socially, and, at the same time, as someone who takes personal
and collective aspects into account. The interviewees also mentioned their role of educating critical
thinkers, and explained some of the key elements for making that possible. Some of them were:
teaching the importance of feeding on reliable information sources, and accepting feedback from
their peers. After a comparison between the interviewees’ conceptualizations and the existing
literature, it is found that the students’ perspectives are closely related to those of theory.
关键词:Pensamiento;pedagogía;conceptualización;análisis de contenido;estudiante;docente