标题:Репертуар українського музично-драматичного театру як чинник збереження культурних традицій української нації (остання третина ХІХ — початок ХХ ст.)
摘要:Проаналізовано соціокультурні умови, що впливали на процес інституціонального становлення українського музично-драматичного театру в останній третині ХІХ — початку ХХ ст. Досліджено специфіку формування національного жанрово-стильового репертуару українського музично-драматичного театру в контексті соціосфери національної культури. Виявлено, що репертуар українського музично-драматичного театру виконував функцію потужного націєтворчого, етнозберігаючого, етноконсолідуючого чинника, що сприяв збереженню культурних традицій української нації, усвідомленню власної національно-культурної ідентичності та доводив творчу спорідненість української театральної культури з європейською культурою.
其他摘要:The aim of the article is to highlight and analyse the specific nature of the national genre-style repertoire of the Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater and to give reasons for its role in preserving traditions of the Ukrainian nation in the last third of the 19th — the early twentieth century. Research Methodology consists in the application of historical and cultural, comparative, art-historical methods that enabled to analyse the specific nature of the national genre-style repertoire of the Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater in the context of the sociosphere of the national culture. Results . Outstanding theatre artists namely M. Kropyvnytskyi, I. Karpenko-Karyi, M. Starytskyi, M. Sadovskyi, P. Saksahanskyi, M. Zankovetska tried to realize social, nation-creating, ethnic-preserving and consolidating function of the theatrical art, despite persecution, state and censorship oppression. The artists saw the purpose of their activity in withdrawal of Ukrainian theatre culture from the colonial status to the European way of development, strengthening national style in their own creative work, popularization of Ukrainian artistic heritage among the general public. The national specific nature became a strong foundation for artistic and aesthetic system of the Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater, based on which the national repertoire, artistic form of the musical drama plays, principles of performance, stage design and directing, character of scenery, costumes, choreography design of performances gradually formed. The founders of the Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater believed that it was the repertoire that formed the performing culture, developed professional skills, and revealed the artistic talent. The original Ukrainian repertoire had a bright ethnographic and everyday orientation, reflected the national psychological type of Ukrainians, promoted their ceremonies and traditions and was understandable and very popular with the general multi-ethnic public. The repertoire of the Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater performed a function of a powerful ethnic-consolidating factor that contributed to the preservation of the cultural traditions of the Ukrainian nation, the recognition of its own national and cultural identity and proved the creative relationship of Ukrainian theatre culture with European culture. Novelty . The author carries out a systematic analysis of the specific nature of the national genre-style repertoire of the Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater and gives reasons for its role in preserving the traditions of the Ukrainian nation in the last third of the 19th — the early twentieth century. The position and role the Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater are identified. The practical significance . The obtained scientific results can be used in the course of further research of culture and art processes of the last third of the 19th — the early twentieth century. The study will contribute to a broader understanding of the national music and theatre culture, the dynamic involvement of Ukrainian art culture to the world artistic process.
关键词:українська театральна культура; національно;культурне
відродження; традиції; український музично;драматичний театр; репертуар