摘要:The effects of ultraviolet radiation on plant frost hardiness were studied at two subarctic experimental sites, namely Abisko (northern Sweden, 68°N) and Sodankylä (northern Finland, 67°N). The Abisko treatment mimicked 15% ozone depletion and had been running for 7 yr. The investigated plant species was bilberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus L.). The Sodankylä treatment consisted of lingonberry ( V. vitis-idaea ) and seedlings of mountain birch ( Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii ), which were exposed to both elevated UV-B and UV-A radiation in a modulated system corresponding to about 20% loss of the ozone layer. The frost hardiness tests in the Sodankylä experiment were carried out after UV exposure for one growing season. The frost hardiness of bilberry in Abisko was marginally decreased as a consequence of elevated UV-B exposure similarly to the frost hardiness of lingonberry and mountain birch in the Sodankylä experiment in August. The work provides evidence for rather than against a reducing effect of ultraviolet radiation on plant frost hardiness. The results suggest that elevated UV-A radiation probably reduces plant frost hardiness more efficiently than UV-B radiation.