标题:Petro-structural geology of the Eastern Aspromonte Massif crystalline basement (southern Italy-Calabria): an example of interoperable geo-data management from thin section – to field scale
摘要:The presented maps provide an example of the synoptic display of multi-scale geological features characterizing the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the crystalline basement terranes in a poly-orogenic-multistadial evolutionary scenario. The petro-structural map of the eastern Aspromonte Massif (southern Calabrian Peloritani Orogen) is characterized by a nappe-like edifice composed by the superimposition of three crystalline basement tectonic units which, sharing the same Alpine-Apennine reworking, underwent a different metamorphic evolution, mostly derived from the Hercynian orogenic cycle. This geological framework is completed by the suture deposition of a Oligocene-Miocene syn-orogenic clastic formation, partly roofed by the back-thrusting of a clay-rich mélange. In order to understand the potential relationships within the complex dataset deriving from the geological investigations of this crystalline basement area, a geo-database, capable of handling multi-scale information from field-derived structural data (i.e. foliation, lineation, fold- and fault-related structures) to micro-scale derived ones (i.e. thin-section analysis, electron microscope and microprobe investigations, thermodynamic modeling outputs) has been constructed, according to the international standards using the Geo-Scientific Markup Language developed by the Commission for the Management and Application of Geo-science Information. Proposed outputs will show the relationships between field-related geological features, showing collected samples and the subsequent laboratory investigations. These are fundamental to achieving reliable results in geological contexts, such as those for reconstructing the tectono-metamorphic evolution of crystalline basement terrains.