摘要:1. Introduction 2. Study area 3. Methods 4. Results and discussion 5. Conclusion Software Supplemental material References MathJax.Hub.Config({ "HTML-CSS": {scale: 70, linebreaks: {automatic: true, width: "container"}}, SVG: {linebreaks: {automatic: true, width: "25%"}}, menuSettings: {zoom: "Click"}, /* This is necessary to lazy loading. */ skipStartupTypeset: true }); Science Hydrogeology of a high Alpine carbonate aquifer (Pale di San Martino, Dolomites, Northern Italy) Full Article Figures & data References Supplemental Citations Metrics Licensing Reprints & Permissions PDF ABSTRACT A 1:50,000 hydrogeological map of the Pale di San Martino Mountains (Northern Italy) was created. The map presents the merge of various pre-existing data with new field data collected between the years 2014 and 2016. Through the use of symbols and specific colours, the map shows various groundwater-related data such as the hydrogeological complexes, the location and size of the main springs, the extension of the recharge areas, the hydrogeological boundaries, as well as information on groundwater usage. Given the absence of hydrogeological maps in the entire mountain range of the Dolomites, the approach followed in this study could be used as a guide for future representations in this alpine region. At the local scale, the map could serve as a conceptual base for future research involving groundwater and for water management planning.