摘要:ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to know the influence of feed additive are ginger, turmeric, and greeting in ration and lighting treatment on percentage of internal organ weight, It was are liver, heart, lymph, gizzard, and intestine. Subjects used in the study were 100 DOC unsex. Factorial based on Complete Randomised Design used in this study. Six treatments with 4 replications consist of CJ1:commercial ration feed + 2% ginger + light 1L: 3D, CJ2:commercial ration feed + 2% ginger + light 1L: 2D, KC1:commercial ration feed + 0.2% turmeric + light 1L: 3D, KC2:commercial ration feed + 0.2% turmeric + light 1L: 2D, SC1:commercial ration feed + 3% greetings + light 1L: 3D, SC2:commercial ration feed + 3% greetings + 1L light: 2D. Varibles consist of of internal organ weight: percentage of weight of liver, heart, spleen, gizzard, and intestine. Analysis of variance was applied in this study. The results of this study showed that there was no effect of giving various herbal materials and lighting on the percentage of organ weight in heart, liver, gizzard, intestine and lymph. (p> 0.05). Keywords: broiller, feed additive, herbal, internal organ, lighting ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pakan tambahan yaitu jahe, kunyit, dan salam dalam ransum dan perlakuan pencahayaan terhadap persentase bobot organ dalam yaitu : hati, jantung, limpa, ampela, dan usus. Subjek yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah 100 ekor DOC unsex. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Racangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan pola faktorial menggunakan 6 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini adalah CJ1 : pakan ransum komersial + 2% jahe + cahaya 1L : 3D, CJ2 : pakan ransum komersial + 2% jahe + cahaya 1L : 2D, KC1 : pakan ransum komersial + 0,2% kunyit + cahaya 1L : 3D, KC2 : pakan ransum komersial + 0,2% kunyit + cahaya 1L : 2D, SC1 : pakan ransum komersial + 3% salam + cahaya 1L : 3D, SC2 : pakan ransum komersial + 3% salam + cahaya 1L : 2D. Variabel penelitian yang diukur adalah persentase bobot organ dalam : persentase bobot hati, jantung, limpa, ampela, dan usus. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisi menggunakan sidik ragam (ANOVA) dengan taraf 5%, Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan, tidak ada pengaruh dari pemberian berbagai bahan herbal dan pencahayaan terhadap persentase bobot organ dalam jantung, hati, ampela, usus dan limfa. ( p>0,05 ).
其他摘要:ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to know the influence of feed additive are ginger, turmeric, and greeting in ration and lighting treatment on percentage of internal organ weight, It was are liver, heart, lymph, gizzard, and intestine. Subjects used in the study were 100 DOC unsex. Factorial based on Complete Randomised Design used in this study. Six treatments with 4 replications consist of CJ1:commercial ration feed + 2% ginger + light 1L: 3D, CJ2:commercial ration feed + 2% ginger + light 1L: 2D, KC1:commercial ration feed + 0.2% turmeric + light 1L: 3D, KC2:commercial ration feed + 0.2% turmeric + light 1L: 2D, SC1:commercial ration feed + 3% greetings + light 1L: 3D, SC2:commercial ration feed + 3% greetings + 1L light: 2D. Varibles consist of of internal organ weight: percentage of weight of liver, heart, spleen, gizzard, and intestine. Analysis of variance was applied in this study. The results of this study showed that there was no effect of giving various herbal materials and lighting on the percentage of organ weight in heart, liver, gizzard, intestine and lymph. (p> 0.05).
关键词:broiller; pakan tambahan; herbal; organ dalam; pencahayaan