摘要:in the world of education The issue of ideology is interesting because it relates to the values or patterns of ideas that are reflected in human life. College as an important part of life should be able to provide refreshment to human culture. For that reason the pattern of ideas within the educational ideology of the college curriculum is interesting to discuss. From the results of the study showed that: 1) Profile picture in general is to achieve the profile of graduates. There are three profiles of PAI graduates: educators, education counselors, and educational researchers. curriculum objectives in the form of learning achievement. The curriculum materials are courses that are derivatives of the curriculum. The curriculum method uses student centered learning (SCL) principles, and curriculum evaluation using the rubric system. 2) The educational ideology contained in the Curriculum refers to KKNI and SNPT berparadigma Integration-Interconnection applied in PAI Study Program Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta is an eclectic ideology. This shows that the educational ideology in the curriculum has its own distinctive characteristics. Keywords: curriculum referring KKNI and SNPT Paradigm Integration-Interconnection, Education Ideology. Abstrak dalam dunia pendidikan Persoalan ideologi menarik karena berhubungan dengan nilai atau pola gagasan yang tercermin dalam kehidupan manusia. Perguruan tinggi sebagai salah satu bagian penting dalam kehidupan harus dapat memberikan penyegaran terhadap kebudayaan manusia. Untuk itu maka pola gagasan di dalam ideologi pendidikan dari kurikulum perguruan tinggi menarik untuk dibahas. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Gambaran profil secara umum adalah untuk mencapai profil lulusan. Terdapat tiga profil lulusan PAI yaitu pendidik, konselor pendidikan, dan peneliti pendidikan. tujuan kurikulum berupa capaian pembelajaran. Materi kurikulum adalah mata kuliah yang merupakan turunan dari kurikulum. Metode kurikulum menggunakan prinsip student centered learning (SCL), dan evaluasi kurikulum menggunakan sistem rubrik. 2) Muatan ideologi pendidikan yang terdapat pada Kurikulum mengacu KKNI dan SNPT berparadigma Integrasi-Interkoneksi yang diterapkan di Program Studi PAI Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta adalah ideologi yang bersifat eklektik. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ideologi pendidikan dalam kurikulum memiliki karakteristik tersendiri yang khas.
其他摘要:in the world of education The issue of ideology is interesting because it relates to the values or patterns of ideas that are reflected in human life. College as an important part of life should be able to provide refreshment to human culture. For that reason the pattern of ideas within the educational ideology of the college curriculum is interesting to discuss. From the results of the study showed that: 1) Profile picture in general is to achieve the profile of graduates. There are three profiles of PAI graduates: educators, education counselors, and educational researchers. curriculum objectives in the form of learning achievement. The curriculum materials are courses that are derivatives of the curriculum. The curriculum method uses student centered learning (SCL) principles, and curriculum evaluation using the rubric system. 2) The educational ideology contained in the Curriculum refers to KKNI and SNPT berparadigma Integration-Interconnection applied in PAI Study Program Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta is an eclectic ideology. This shows that the educational ideology in the curriculum has its own distinctive characteristics.
关键词:kurikulum mengacu KKNI dan SNPT Berparadigma Integrasi-Interkoneksi; Ideologi Pendidikan.