期刊名称:ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance
摘要:The purpose of this paper is to understand interest-free microfinance practices in India, identify issues and recommend possible solutions.,To achieve the proposed objectives, Bait-un-Nasr (BuN) Urban Cooperative Credit Society, located in Mumbai, India, is considered for the case study. The study is based on both primary and secondary data. The primary data are collected through questionnaires and secondary data from various sources. Performance of the institution is assessed in terms of growth and sustainability indicators.,It is found that BuN has been successful in providing interest-free microfinance services in India. A few operational issues have been highlighted and possible solutions are recommended. Moreover, it is found that in comparison to the microfinance industry standards, the performance of BuN has been lower.,BuN is evaluated from only growth and sustainability aspects and not from the aspect of the socio-economic impacts of its services on the lives of customers.,This study would become a documented source of interest-free microfinance practices in India. Moreover, the recommendations provided, if implemented, would help BuN in further growth and development.,This study would help create awareness in the society about the practices of interest-free microfinance.,This paper highlights the interest-free microfinance practices in India that have not received the needed attention. The paper also attempts to identify key issues pertaining to interest-free microfinance with possible solutions.