摘要:The objective of this research was to find out the effect of pedagogic competence and motivation toward teacher’s performance at SMPN 8 Sekayu in Musi Banyuasin Regency. Desctiptive qualitative study was used in this research. This research was done during three months. Subject of this research were 31 (thirty one) teachers Questionnaire was used to collect the data of this research. The data result of questionnaire were analyzed by using r test analysis, t test analysis, and F test analysis. Based on the r test analysis, the result showed that there was significance effect of pedagogic competence and motivation toward teacher performance. The value of R Square was 0.709, this value showed that the effect of pedagogic competence and motivation toward teacher’s performance (70.9 %). Based on the t test analysis, the result showed that there was significance effect of pedagogic competence toward teacher’s performance (t=0.02). The result also showed that there was significance effect of of motivation toward teacher’s performance (t=0.00). Meanwhile, the result of F test analysis (t=0,00) was there was a significance effect of pedagogic competence and motivation toward teacher’s performance.
关键词:Kompetensi Pedagogik; Motivasi Berprestasi; Kinerja Guru