摘要:Merk: Denne artikkelen ble publisert i tidsskriftet FOU i praksis. Tidsskriftet skiftet navn til Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis i september 2019. Denne artikkelen undersøkjer kunnskap og erfaring med improvisasjon som fenomen i lærarutdanninga. Gjennom fire semester har ei gruppe lærarstudentar undersøkt, prøvd ut og reflektert over ulike sider av improvisasjon relatert til pedagogikk og elevkunnskapsfaget. Faglege syklusar kopla til teori om relasjonell klasseleiing, vurdering for læring og improvisasjon har vore bakgrunn for intervjuet vårt. For å få innsikt i studentane si forståing av improvisasjon vart eit fokusgruppeintervju med fem studentar gjennomført våren 2015. Funna indikerer at studentane brukar praksisforteljingane sine til å forklara samanhengen mellom teoretisk forståing og praktisk bruk av improvisasjon i undervisninga. Studentane si bevisstgjering kring sentrale faktorar knytt til improvisasjon, som t.d. forholdet mellom repertoar og improvisasjon, er noko som kan ha positiv innverknad på utvikling av studentane si profesjonsforståing. Studentane synest å ha ei klar formeining om at planlegging, repertoar og øving er eit utgangspunkt for vellukka undervisning. Vidare verkar dei medvitne om kor viktig det er å vurdera og justera undervisninga si i samspel med elevane, både i spontane situasjonar og i planleggingsfasane. Sitér: Kulild, M. og Engelsen, K. S. (2017). Improvisasjon som bindeledd. Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis, 11(2), 59–73. English abstract English title: Improvisasjon som bindeledd Improvisation as a Nexus in Teacher Education: A Source for Professionalization? This article examines the knowledge and experience of improvisation as a phenomenon in Teacher Education. During a period of four semesters, a group of students has studied, rehearsed and reflected upon various aspects of improvisation related to the subject “pedagogy and pupil knowledge”. Lectures related to theories of relational classroom management, assessment for learning and improvisation were an important background for our interview. To gain insight into the understanding of improvisation, a focus interview was carried out with five students in spring 2015. The findings indicate that the students use consequently their practicum experiences to explain associations between theoretical understanding and use of improvisation in teaching. Furthermore, the students’ awareness about main elements of improvisation in teaching, such as the link between repertoire and improvisation, is something that might have a positive influence on the students’ development of professional understanding. The students seem to have a clear notion of repertoire, rehearsal and planning which are a starting point for success in the classroom and a catalyst for improvisation. The students develop, inter alia, an understanding of how important it is to assess and adjust their teaching to the pupils, both in spontaneous situations and in the didactic planning of lessons.
其他摘要:Note: This article was published in the journal FOU i praksis. The journal changed its name to Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis in September 2019. English title: Improvisasjon som bindeledd Improvisation as a Nexus in Teacher Education: A Source for Professionalization? This article examines the knowledge and experience of improvisation as a phenomenon in Teacher Education. During a period of four semesters, a group of students has studied, rehearsed and reflected upon various aspects of improvisation related to the subject “pedagogy and pupil knowledge”. Lectures related to theories of relational classroom management, assessment for learning and improvisation were an important background for our interview. To gain insight into the understanding of improvisation, a focus interview was carried out with five students in spring 2015. The findings indicate that the students use consequently their practicum experiences to explain associations between theoretical understanding and use of improvisation in teaching. Furthermore, the students’ awareness about main elements of improvisation in teaching, such as the link between repertoire and improvisation, is something that might have a positive influence on the students’ development of professional understanding. The students seem to have a clear notion of repertoire, rehearsal and planning which are a starting point for success in the classroom and a catalyst for improvisation. The students develop, inter alia, an understanding of how important it is to assess and adjust their teaching to the pupils, both in spontaneous situations and in the didactic planning of lessons. Citation: Kulild, M. og Engelsen, K. S. (2017). Improvisasjon som bindeledd. Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis, 11(2), 59–73.