摘要:The online learning and outreach resource Ask A Biologist (AAB; http://www.askabiologist.org.uk/ ) has been operating for three years, and this paper reports our initial experience of running the site.To date, AAB has answered and archived online over 3,500 questions from the general public with contributions from more than 50 researchers, and attracted an estimated audience of half a million, all with relatively minimal investment.Simply, questions are posted by visitors to the site, and one or more of our registered academic experts then provide their answers which are available for all to see and browse.The system is simple and provides direct contact between the public and scientists on subjects that are guaranteed to be of interest.In this paper, we review the benefits and drawbacks of such a system based on our first-hand experiences, detailing how the site was originally conceived and built and how it operates.We offer this as a model for future projects and to highlight both the benefits and pitfalls of such a system.
关键词:Question-and-answer;First-hand experience;Ask A Biologist;Online learning;Outreach resource;Internet;Informal learning