标题:Comparison of the community structure of the marine molluscs of the “Banco D. João de Castro” seamount (Azores, Portugal) with that of typical inshore habitats on the Azores archipelago
摘要:D. João de Castro Bank (DJC) is a shallow seamount with hydrothermal activity located between the islands of Terceira and São Miguel, Azores (Portugal). A survey of the molluscan fauna was conducted in this peculiar habitat. We found a smaller number of molluscan taxa and a different community structure compared to shore environments on the Azores. This coincides with impoverished environmental settings at this location. Possible reasons such as the degree of isolation (inshore vs. offshore locations), geological age, and special ecological conditions related to seamounts and hydrothermal vents are discussed.
关键词:Seamounts;Molluscs;Azores;Hydrothermal vents;Modes of larval development