摘要:Esta pesquisa propôs-se a analisar os motivos pelos quais alguns municípios da região sudoeste do Paraná apresentaram crescimento populacional, sendo mais dinâmicos, e outros tiveram taxas negativas de crescimento populacional. Logo, busca-se determinar os fatores que diferenciam os municípios com crescimento daqueles com crescimento negativo, a partir de características socioeconômicas, considerando dois períodos distintos – 2000 e 2010. Esta análise foi feita a partir da Análise Discriminante, dividindo os 42 municípios da região sudoeste em três grupos: dinâmicos (grupo 1), estáveis (grupo 2) e deprimidos (grupo 3). Foram determinadas oito variáveis selecionadas a partir de dados secundários obtidos através do IPARDES. Os resultados da pesquisa demostram que a discriminação entre os municípios ocorre por conta da concentração populacional (densidade demográfica) e o grau de industrialização. Ambos os fatores podem se tornar atrativos para novos habitantes que estão em busca de melhores condições de vida, melhores oportunidades de trabalho, aumento de renda e educação, ou seja, em busca de uma qualidade de vida melhor. ABSTRACT This research proposed to analyze the reasons why some counties of the southwestern region of Paraná presented population growth, being more dynamic, and others had negative rates of population growth. Thus, it is seek to determine the factors that differentiate the counties with growth from those with negative growth, based on socioeconomic characteristics, considering two distinct periods - 2000 and 2010. This analysis was made using the multivariate statistical method called Discriminant Analysis, dividing the 42 counties of the Southwest region into three groups: dynamic (group 1), stable (group 2) and depressed (group 3). Eight variables were selected from secondary data obtained through IPARDES. The results of the research show that the discrimination between counties occurs due to population concentration (population density) and the degree of industrialization. Both factors become attractive to new residents who are looking for better living conditions, better job oportunities, increased income and education, that is in search of a better quality of life. Keywords: Discriminant analysis. Urban growth. Urban population. Urbanization.
其他摘要:This research proposed to analyze the reasons why some counties of the southwestern region of Paraná presented population growth, being more dynamic, and others had negative rates of population growth. Thus, it is seek to determine the factors that differentiate the counties with growth from those with negative growth, based on socioeconomic characteristics, considering two distinct periods - 2000 and 2010. This analysis was made using the multivariate statistical method called Discriminant Analysis, dividing the 42 counties of the Southwest region into three groups: dynamic (group 1), stable (group 2) and depressed (group 3). Eight variables were selected from secondary data obtained through IPARDES. The results of the research show that the discrimination between counties occurs due to population concentration (population density) and the degree of industrialization. Both factors become attractive to new residents who are looking for better living conditions, better job oportunities, increased income and education, that is in search of a better quality of life.