标题:Development of highly sensitive environmental DNA methods for the detection of Bull Sharks, Carcharhinus leucas (Müller and Henle, 1839), using Droplet Digital™ PCR
摘要:Background As apex and mesopredators, elasmobranchs play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem function and balance in marine systems. Elasmobranch populations worldwide are in decline as a result of exploitation via direct and indirect fisheries mortalities and habitat degradation; however, a lack of information on distribution, abundance, and population biology for most species hinders their effective management. Environmental DNA analysis has emerged as a cost‐effective and non‐invasive technique to fill some of these data gaps, but often requires the development of species‐specific methodologies.
关键词:elasmobranch;Gulf of Mexico;habitat use;mitochondrial genome;threatened species;water sample