标题:Uni-versidade multi-versa? Reflexões sobre a formação de professores do curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia do Campo no distrito de Caramujo, Cáceres/MT
摘要:ABSTRACT. The present text has the objective of provoking reflections about an experience lived in the Pedagogy of the Countryside undergraduate course, offered in the modality of installments, in the district of Caramujo, located in the city of Cáceres/MT. The experience occurred in 15 days of classes taught in the discipline of Management and Policies of Rural Education that occurred in March 2016. We developed a dialogue about the University, Rural Education and teacher formation from these experiences. For the writing of this text, the stories of academics available in the reflective memorial adopted as an evaluation-reflexive criterion were used. The same was used to start the classes, and also, in the course of the reflections, served as an instrument of dialogue between teacher-academics and academic-academics. It was important because it allowed the understanding of some concepts that involve the Rural Education and to think about the relation between the life histories and the absence/presence of the school of/in the countryside. Keywords: University, Teacher of Formation, Rural Education, Pedagogy of the Countryside. Keywords: University, Teacher of Formation, Rural Education, Pedagogy of the Countryside.↓ABSTRACT. The present text has the objective of provoking reflections about an experience lived in the Pedagogy of the Countryside undergraduate course, offered in the modality of installments, in the district of Caramujo, located in the city of Cáceres/MT. The experience occurred in 15 days of classes taught in the discipline of Management and Policies of Rural Education that occurred in March 2016. We developed a dialogue about the University, Rural Education and teacher formation from these experiences. For the writing of this text, the stories of academics available in the reflective memorial adopted as an evaluation-reflexive criterion were used. The same was used to start the classes, and also, in the course of the reflections, served as an instrument of dialogue between teacher-academics and academic-academics. It was important because it allowed the understanding of some concepts that involve the Field Education and to think about the relation between the life histories and the absence/presence of the school of/in the countryside. Keywords: University, Teacher of Formation, Rural Education, Pedagogy of the Countryside.↓O presente texto tem o objetivo de provocar reflexões sobre uma experiência vivenciada no curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia do Campo, ofertado na modalidade parceladas, no distrito de Caramujo, localizado no município de Cáceres/MT. A experiência ocorreu em 15 dias de aulas ministradas na disciplina de Gestão e Políticas da Educação do Campo ocorrida no mês de março de 2016. Elaboramos um diálogo sobre a Universidade, Educação do Campo e formação de professores/as a partir dessas experiências. Utilizaram-se para a escrita deste texto relatos de acadêmicos/as disponíveis no memorial reflexivo adotado como um critério avaliativo-reflexivo. O mesmo foi utilizado para iniciar as aulas, e ainda, no decorrer das reflexões, serviu de instrumento de diálogo entre professora-acadêmicos/as e acadêmicos/as-acadêmicos/as. Foi importante, pois permitiu a compreensão de alguns conceitos que envolvem a Educação do Campo e pensar sobre a relação entre as histórias de vida e a ausência/presença da escola do/no campo.
其他摘要:RESUMEN. El presente texto tiene el objetivo de provocar reflexiones sobre una vivencia en el curso de Licenciatura en Pedagogía del Campo, desarrollado en la modalidad parcelado, en el distrito de Caramujo, ubicado en el municipio de Cáceres/MT. La experiencia ocurrió en 15 días de clases impartidas en la disciplina de Gestión y Políticas de la Educación del Campo ocurrida en el mes de marzo de 2016. Elaboramos un diálogo sobre la Universidad, Educación del Campo y formación de profesores/as. Para la escritura de este texto nos basamos nos relatos de la vida de académicos/as disponibles en el memorial reflexivo adoptado como un criterio evaluativo-reflexivo. El memorial fue utilizado para iniciar las clases, y aún, en el transcurso de las reflexiones, sirvió de instrumento de diálogo entre profesora-académicos/as y académicos/as-académicos/as. Fue importante, pues permitió la comprensión de algunos conceptos que involucran la Educación del Campo y pensar sobre la relación entre las historias de vida y la ausencia/presencia de la escuela del/en el campo. Palabras clave: Universidad, Formación de Profesores, Educación Rural, Pedagogía del Campo.