标题:Management analysis of municipal solid waste a municipality Semi-Arid Pernambucano Análise de gestão de resíduos sólidos municipais um município semi-árido Pernambucano
摘要:The management of municipal solid waste is presented as one of the major challenges to be faced by municipalities today, especially for those small, lacking in resources and specific policies for this purpose. Poor management and inadequate disposal of these wastes can cause serious damage to the environment and health. This study, exploratory and guided by a qualitative approach nature, analyzed the management of such waste in a small municipality located in the wilderness of Pernambuco State in the light of what determines the Federal Law nº12.305/10. As conclusions, it was found that the city studied is not fulfilling this law provides, fundamentally with regard to direction given to the waste it produces. Also, it does not exist an integrated management plan for solid waste and have not been verified directly programs and actions aimed at promoting environmental education.
关键词:Public administration; National Policy on Solid Waste; Sustainability