摘要:This article documents Open access article processing charges (OA APC) longitudinal study 2015 preliminary dataset available for download from the OA APC dataverse [1].This dataset was gathered as part of Sustaining the Knowledge Commons (SKC), a research program funded by Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.The overall goal of SKC is to advance our collective knowledge about how to transition scholarly publishing from a system dependent on subscriptions and purchase to one that is fully open access.The OA APC preliminary data 2015 Version 12 dataset was developed as one of the lines of research of SKC, a longitudinal study of the minority (about a third) of the fully open access journals that use this business model.The original idea was to gather data during an annual two-week census period.The volume of data and growth in this area makes this an impractical goal.For this reason, we are posting this preliminary dataset in case it might be helpful to others working in this area.Future data gathering and analyses will be conducted on an ongoing basis.We encourage others to share their data as well.In order to merge datasets, note that the two most critical elements for matching data and merging datasets are the journal title and ISSN.