摘要:Seed coat color grading conjecture is also known as Pravdin’s conjecture. To verify the conjecture, we established a long-term field experiment. This data set included unique empirical data of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) container-grown seedlings produced from different seed color grades, outplanted on a post fire site in the Voronezh region, Russia. Variables were provided for 10 rows of 90 samples in each row. These data contribute to our understanding of seed germination and seedlings growth dynamics from size and color gradings of seeds. This structure is the future basis of the Forest Reproductive Material Library (FRMLib) and will be used for assisted migration and forest seed transfer.
关键词:post fire planted dynamics; Scots pine; seed grading; seed coat color; seed size; container-grown seedlings; seed germination post fire planted dynamics ; Scots pine ; seed grading ; seed coat color ; seed size ; container-grown seedlings ; seed germination