摘要:O presente artigo dá a conhecer um projecto de investigação que teve como objectivo determinar e analisar a partir da observação dos sítios Web dos museus portugueses quais as ferramentas Web 2.0 usadas por estas instituições no desenvolvimento das suas actividades. Neste sentido, foram seleccionados como amostra os 125 museus pertencentes à Rede Portuguesa de Museus. Os resultados obtidospermitem-nos afirmar que utilização das ferramentas Web 2.0 por parte dos museus portugueses analisados está numa fase inicial. A ferramenta mais usada é o blogue. Foram, também, identificados projectos pioneiros ao nível dos wikis, Licenças Creative Commons, Youtube, Flickr e redes sociais on-line. Palavras-chave Ferramentas Web 2.0. Museu. Sítio Web. Portuguese museums and Web 2.0 Abstract This article presents the results of an investigation work that had as main objective the determination and analysis of the Web 2.0 tools used by Portuguese museums in the development of their activities. The selected samples were the 125 museums from the Rede Portuguesa de Museus. The conclusion is that this practice is only at an early stage. The most used tool is the blog. Pioneer projects were also identified namely wikis, Creative Commons Licenses, Youtube, Flickr and online social networks. Keywords Web 2.0 tools. Museum. Web site.
其他摘要:This article presents the results of an investigation work
that had as main objective the determination and analysis
of the Web 2.0 tools used by Portuguese museums in the
development of their activities. The selected samples were
the 125 museums from the Rede Portuguesa de Museus.
The conclusion is that this practice is only at an early
stage. The most used tool is the blog. Pioneer projects
were also identifi ed namely wikis, Creative Commons
Licenses, Youtube, Flickr and online social networks.