摘要:The purpose of this research is to formulate legal drafting a model policy formulation Regional Regulation based Green Legislation in order to develop the practices of good governance in the region through strength- ening the role of the executive (such as the leading sector of legal department Sector, BLH, Central Java Regional Environment and Parliament. This research is a juridical non-doctrinal, with a qualitative ap- proach. The method will be used through the stages of: mapping the existing condition into the formulation of legal drafting which has been used, mapping of potential executive (leading sector) and the Parliament, to evaluate regulations, identify and evaluate the constraints faced in the policy formulation stage, identify opportunities and strategies and formulate a model formulation that can be developed. Sources of data used were primary and secondary data sources from the Central Java Regional Ministry of Environment, the Legal Department of Nganjuk Regency. Collection of primary data done by observation and interview and Focus Group Discussion ( FGD). The collection of secondary data through literature and content analysis.
其他摘要:A b s t r a c t T he purpose of this research is to formulate legal drafting a model policy formulation Regional Regulation based Green Legislation in order to develop the practices of good governance in the region through strength- ening the role of the executive (such as the leading sector of legal department Sector, BLH, Central Java Regional Environment and Parliament. This research is a juridical non-doctrinal, with a qualitative ap- proach. The method will be used through the stages of: mapping the existing condition into the formulation of legal drafting which has been used, mapping of potential executive (leading sector) and the Parliament, to evaluate regulations, identify and evaluate the constraints faced in the policy formulation stage, identify opportunities and strategies and formulate a model formulation that can be developed. Sources of data used were primary and secondary data sources from the Central Java Regional Ministry of Environment, the Legal Department of Nganjuk Regency. Collection of primary data done by observation and interview and Focus Group Discussion ( FGD). The collection of secondary data through literature and content analysis. Checking the validity of the data was done by using triangulation of sources. The results of research are: First, the preparation of formulations Legal Drafting regulations made by the Government in Nganjuk in accordance with Act No. 12 of 201, and Act No. 32 of 2009, but not all use the Paper of Academic regulation in the formulation so that the Legal Drafting Regional Regulation not meet the criteria of a good legal system. Second, participation has not been effective and not all regulation is preceded Academic Manuscript. Third, the constraints in the formulation of legal drafting regulations include limitations of the preparation of draft environmental preservation, the ability to assess the regulation, the ability to formulate environmental protection and management policy. K eywords: l egal drafting ,local regulation, go od governance A b s t ra k Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merumuskan model kebijakan formulasi legal drafting Peraturan Daerah (Perda) berbasis Green Legislation dalam rangka pengembangan praktik-praktik tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik di daerah melalui penguatan peran eksekutif ( leading sector seperti bagian hukum, BLH, Pusat Regional Jawa KLH dan DPRD melalui strategi, mekanisme, dan pemberdayaan potensi, serta perbaikan prosedur penyusunan Perda agar memperhatikan pelestarian fungsi lingkungan hidup. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis non-doktrinal, dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode yang akan dipakai melalui tahapan-tahapan berupa : pemetaan existing condition formulasi legal drafting yang selama ini digunakan, pemetaan terhadap potensi eksekutif ( leading sector) dan DPRD, mengevaluasi Perda yang sudah dihasilkan selama ini (Tahun I), mengidentifikasi dan mengevaluasi kendala yang dihadapi dalam tahap formulasi kebijakan, mengidentifikasi peluang dan strategi serta merumuskan model formulasi yang dapat dikembangkan (Tahun II), menyusun pedoman dan standar prosedur operasional, memberikan pelatihan, pendampingan serta monitoring bagi eksekutif ( leading sector) dan DPRD (Tahun III) Penekanan dalam rangka formulasi legal drafting yang dilakukan Pemerintah agar menghasilkan perda yang berbasis green legislation . Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan sekunder dari Pusat Regional Jawa Kementerian LH, Bagian Hukum Pemkab Nganjuk. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara. Untuk memberikan penajaman dan elaborasi data lebih lanjut dilakukan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Pengumpulan data sekunder dilakukan melalui studi pustaka dan content analy- sis . Dari pembahasan hasil penelitian dihasilkan simpulan sebagai berikut. Pertama, Penyusunan formulasi Legal Drafting Perda yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah di Kabupaten Nganjuk belum optimal karena belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan UU No. 12 Tahun 2011 dan UU No 32 Tahun 2009, sehingga belum semua Perda menggunakan Naskah Akademik dalam formulasi Legal Drafting Perdanya . Kedua, partisipasi belum berjalan efektif dan belum semua Perda didahului Naskah Akademik. Ketiga, kendala dalam formulasi legal drafting Perda antara lain kemampuan menilai Perda, kemampuan merumuskan kebijakan perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup. Kata kunci : pembentukan , perda, good governance