期刊名称:RECIIS - Electronic Journal of Communication, Information & Innovation in Health
出版社:Institute of Communication and Scientific and Technological Information in Health
摘要:A nanotecnologia tem grande potencial para transformar a ciência e a indústria nas mais diversas áreas. A
despeito do interesse em pesquisas nessa área, a segurança e o impacto da nanotecnologia para a saúde
ainda são pouco explorados. Este estudo visa identificar a pesquisa realizada no Brasil concernente aos
riscos que envolve o uso da nanotecnologia. Para tanto, baseou-se no Diretório de Grupos de Pesquisa e
no Currículo Lattes. Foram recuperados 798 artigos sobre nanotecnologia e saúde. Destes, somente 41
referem-se a temas relacionados a questões do meio ambiente, de saúde e segurança, mostrando o baixo
volume de pesquisas nessa área no país. Foram utilizadas técnicas bibliométricas, com software de
mineração de dados para a filtragem e análise dos resultados. A produção científica nacional sobre o
assunto mostrou-se pulverizada em diversos periódicos. O surgimento de novas temáticas, nos últimos
anos, pode representar um desejável indicador de crescente interesse por questões regulatórias e sociais
no país.
其他摘要:Nanotechnology has great potential to transform science and industry in a lot of areas. Despite the large interest in research in this area, the safety risks and the impact of the use of nanotechnology on health are still underexplored. This study aims to identify the research conducted in Brazil regarding the risks involving the use of nanotechnology. It was based on Directory of Research Groups and on Currículo Lattes. We detected 798 articles about nanotechnology and health, but only 41 of them making reference to environmental, health and safety issues, showing the small volum of researches about this subject in Brazil. Bibliometric techniques and data mining software were used for the selection and analysis of results. The scientific production in question is scattered in different periodicals. The emergence of new themes in recent years may represent a desirable indicator of growing interest in regulatory and social issues in Brazil. Article information Submitted: 1 / Apr / 2014 Accepted: 24 / Jul / 2014 Conflicts of interest: No conflicts of interest to declare Funding sources: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) through research grants. authorial contribution Design, work planning, study design, analysis and interpretation of results, writing, review of preliminary and final versions; approval of the version: Maria Simone de Menezes Alencar Design, analysis and interpretation of results, writing, review of preliminary and final versions; approval of the version: Rosany Bochner Work planning, data collection: Miriam Ferreira Freire Days