摘要:This article explores masculine action space intransition: changes in forest work and industrialutilization of nature. The aim is to understand howthe rising importance of environmental issues, suchas renewable energy production, change the wayshow nature is encountered in forest work. Thearticle is based on interviews of logging contractorswho have recently started bioenergy business. Thekey analytical concept is affordance which addressesthe constraints and possibilities of actors in theirsocial, material and natural working environments.The concept allows us to conceptualise the changingrelationship between social practices, gender andnature. Affordances, enacted through the materialand social practices of forest work, make visible thedistinctions in the working cultures and agency offorest workers. These distinctions, and the relatedtensions between masculinities, are important fromthe viewpoint of environmental justice becausethey reveal the politics of forest work, and helpto re-establish the connection between social andenvironmental issues.