摘要:This article examines the social responsibility strategies of mining firms operating in Finland, on the onehand, and the social legitimacy of the mining industry, on the other hand. Here, the theoretical conceptof legitimacy is understood as economic consequences, moral limits and political frames and it is used asan analytical tool to examine these components. The empirical material consists of political reports anddiscussions concerning governance of the mining industry and annual reports of mining companies. Theresults illustrate how mining is usually understood as a tool for promoting the national economy and economicdevelopment in rural areas. The legitimacy of the mining industry has recently become a question ofdebate due to the growing influence of multinational corporations and the environmental consequences ofmining. Internationally, companies have responded to criticism by developing social responsibility strategiesbut, in Finland, there are huge differences in how companies have interpreted the need to develop theirsocial responsibility policies.