出版社:Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab UIN Sunan Kalijaga
摘要:The issue of gender responsiveness become a subject of study that is widely discussed. Discourse about the equality of men and women reap many pros and cons from various circles, as the result of social construction differences that affect the perspective of mindset. This article intends to describe the gender-responsive value contained in the material of Arabic language learning. Where the material presented includes the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary, where both have equal status without any stereotypes and subordinates of them. This article was written using library research; the author analyzed the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary in a balanced manner, as well as the use of various gender discriminations in the form of gender stereotypes and gender-based violence found in Arabic textbooks in grades IV and VI of Islamic Elementary School (MI). Based on the analysis result, the researcher concludes that gender-responsive emphasis has been appearing in Arabic language teaching materials, but it needs more. So, in the next, gender discrimination will not be found in the Arabic language teaching material of Islamic Elementary School (MI).
其他摘要:The issue of gender responsiveness become a subject of study that is widely discussed. Discourse about the equality of men and women reap many pros and cons from various circles, as the result of social construction differences that affect the perspective of mindset. This article intends to describe the gender-responsive value contained in the material of Arabic language learning. Where the material presented includes the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary, where both have equal status without any stereotypes and subordinates of them. This article was written using library research; the author analyzed the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary in a balanced manner, as well as the use of various gender discriminations in the form of gender stereotypes and gender-based violence found in Arabic textbooks in grades IV and VI of Islamic Elementary School (MI). Based on the analysis result, the researcher concludes that gender-responsive emphasis has been appearing in Arabic language teaching materials, but it needs more. So, in the next, gender discrimination will not be found in the Arabic language teaching material of Islamic Elementary School (MI). ملخص أصبحت الإشاعة عن استجابة الجنس بحثا مرحوبا فى مجال المعارف. وحصد البحوث فى تكافؤ الرجال والنساء الموافقة والمعارضة من قبل الاجتماعية. حيث أن الاختلاف فى بنية الاجتماعية سيؤدي إلى الاختلاف فى ضوء العقليات. وكتبت هذه المقالة للكشف عن التصور الشامل للنتائج من استجابة الجنس فى مادة تعليم اللغة العربية. حيث اشتملت المادة فى استخدام المفردات المذكّر والمؤنث. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، وجد تكافؤ الدرجة دون النمطية وثانوية النساء فى المجتمع. وكتبت هذه المقالة بمدخل البحث المكتبي للتحليل عن استخدام المفردات المذكّر والمؤنث بالتكافؤ، دون النمطية وثانوية النساء فى الكتب المدرسي للفصل الرابع إلى السادس لمستوى المدرسة الإبتدائية. وحصلت الكاتبة على النتيجة كما يلي: ظهرت التركيز من النتائج لاستجابة الجنس فى مادة تعليم اللغة العربية جيّدة، ولكن يحتاج التركيز إلى التقوية، للوصول إلى عدم تمييز الجنس فى مادة اللغة العربية لـهذا المستوى. الكلمات الرئيسية: النتيجة، استجابة الجنس، مادة التعليم، تمييز الجنس