摘要:This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of critical thinking aspects on themodule to enhance students’ academic achievement of human circulatory system.Research participants were 8th grade of junior high school students, whichassigned into experimental and control groups (each group consists of 27 students)based on One-Way ANOVA result (0.255; p-value > 0.05). This quasiexperimentalstudy applied a pre-test and post-test non-equivalent control groupdesign. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to analyse pre-test andpost-test data, with pre-test as a covariate. Analysis result showed that: 1) students’academic achievement in the experimental group is significantly different with thecontrol group (F=90.562; p-value < 0.05); 2) students’ academic achievement gapin the experimental group is lower than the control group; and 3) applying criticalthinking aspects on the module have an effective contribution of 64% in students’academic achievement enhancement of the experimental group. Therefore, the useof critical thinking aspects on the module has a good impact on students’ academicachievement.
关键词:critical thinking; module; academic achievement; human circulatory system;junior high school students; human circulatory system