摘要:This study aims to determine the effect of discovery learning using ICT in bambooconservation topics on students' language and scientific literacy. The matchingonly pretest and posttest control group design was used in this research. Theparticipants were fourth-grade students in the academic year 2017-2018 with atotal of 36 students. The research instrument for language literacy is essayquestions, and scientific literacy is multiple-choice questions. Data were analyzedusing the T-test. The analysis results show that there are differences in languageand scientific literacy skills in students who were taught using discovery learningwith ICT media and students who were taught using a conventional approach withvisual media. The findings exhibited that: (1) there is an influence of the use ofdiscovery learning with ICT media on students' language and scientific literacy,and (2) there is an influence of the interaction of discovery model with ICTlanguage and scientific literacy in fourth-grade students. It is recommended forelementary school teachers and further researchers that the discovery learningmodel be adopted with ICT media, because: (1) scientific literacy can bedeveloped through the understanding ability or part of language literacy, and (2)ICT media as the bamboo identification application as learning media can attractstudents' attention by creating an active and pleasant learning atmosphere.
关键词:discovery learning; bamboo conservation; ICT media; language literacy;scientific literacy