期刊名称:International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics
出版社:International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics
摘要:This paper analyses the Pakistan’s mango export competitiveness against other leadingmango producers and exporters. Using the trade data between the years 2010 and 2016, thispaper estimates several revealed comparative advantage (RCA) indices, particularly inversionrevealed comparative advantage (InRCA), revealed symmetric comparative advantage(RSCA) and competitive export performance (CEP) for each country compared. The resultssuggest that the competitiveness of Pakistan mangoes export was stable during the studyperiod except in 2014-2015, when Pakistan’s competitiveness declined. At the same period,Mexico, Thailand and Philippines had increased comparative advantage in mango export,presenting a serious threat to Pakistan’s mango export potentials. An index of comparativeexport performance (CEP) indicates that Pakistan had a comparative advantage against mostof the top mango producing and exporting countries expect Thailand and Philippines. Theresults indicate that Pakistan mango export exhibits strong comparative advantage, howeverto gain consistency in export competitiveness, Pakistan needs more managerial efforts frompublic and private institutions to address issues like food safety, importing countries’quarantine requirements and sanitary & phytosanitary (SPS) restrictions.