期刊名称:The Journal of Teaching English With Technology
出版社:IATEFL Poland Computer Special Interest Group
摘要:The usefulness of ICT in language learning is unquestionable nowadays. There are manydigital educational resources available for foreign and second language teachers, materialswhich are progressively acquiring an important role in the teaching-learning process.In order to respond to the increasing presence of such technologies in the classroom,teachers need to acquire digital and media competences, two key elements for lifelong trainingprocess. However, these are superficially addressed in teacher education. In this light, both intrainingand in-service educators demand more skills and specific training to be able to teachstudents how to use technologies and, ultimately, help them develop their own digital andmedia competences.Following an exhaustive bibliographical revision of scientific literature in the field,this theoretical paper seeks to revise the concepts of digital and media competences as well asto reflect on how superficially they are addressed at universities and teacher-training centres.After this, the importance of both competences as key elements for teachers is brought to light,as well as some useful suggestions to help foreign and second language teachers acquire anddevelop them and, simultaneously, teach them to their students.
关键词:ICT; digital competence; media competence; ESL/EFL teachers; teachers’;professional needs