期刊名称:International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains
摘要:Job creation is undeniable importance of creating economic stability issue. Greater attention to the issueof population can increase employment and general welfare of society in the development and reduction ofpoverty and unemployment. Since one of the objectives of the Charity to empower patients, particularly ineconomic stability and jobs and alleviate poverty and unemployment, employment and self-sufficiency inagricultural and livestock projects of service. Given the importance of employment Charity projects,particularly in agriculture, livestock and has served on the top of their agendas. The study was conductedin the same relation to loans with the aim of stabilizing the economy and employment Impact on smallbusinesses covered by the family of the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee Gilangharb city. The study of thenature, quantity and type of research as applied to the data collection method - correlation. Thepopulation consisted of 380 households Self-Sufficiency Project Joint Relief Committee of clients that havereached the stage of self-reliance and financial independence. The sample size was determined usingCochran's formula, 75 households were selected using stratified random sampling method. The resultsshowed that four variables' experience in the design, facilities and equipment required, and the extent ofparticipation by family members reinvestment " These variables had the greatest effect on the success ofagricultural self-sufficiency plans, clients are Gilangharb Relief city..