期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:With the growing usage of wireless sensors in a variety of applications including Internet of Things, the security aspects of wireless sensor networks have been on priority for the researchers. Due to the constraints of resources in wireless sensor networks, it has been always a challenge to design efficient security protocols for wireless sensor networks. An novel elliptic curve signcryption based security protocol for wireless sensor networks has been presented in this paper, which provides anonymity, confidentiality, mutual authentication, forward security, secure key establishment, and key privacy at the same time providing resistance from replay attack, impersonation attack, insider attack, offline dictionary attack, and stolen-verifier attack. Results have revealed that the proposed elliptic curve signcryption based protocol consumes the least time in comparison to other protocols while providing the highest level of security..