标题:Boas Práticas Educacionais sob a perspectiva dos Critérios de Excelência do PNQ (Good Educational Practices from the perspective of the PNQ Excellence Criteria)
其他标题:Boas Práticas Educacionais sob a perspectiva dos Critérios de Excelência do PNQ (Good Educational Practices from the perspective of the PNQ Excellence Criteria)
摘要:In view of the need to continuously evaluate the quality of education in Brazil and especially in schools of public management, it was decided to use as a parameter the National Quality Award (PNQ) for its excellence criteria to have a close relationship with Good Practices education. The methodology is supported by an exploratory and documentary bibliographical research, using dissertations and theses, annals of congresses, CAPES articles, including the analysis of a survey conducted with 96 respondents and the modeling of a case study in a school of the State of Rio de Janeiro. At the end of the article we present the perception of the education actors, teachers and students regarding good practices in their levels of importance and occurrence, and it is possible to diagnose that both segments perceive the importance of Good Educational Practices, but feel their absence, in most of the requirements presented, in the daily life of their activities..
关键词:Qualidade; Educação; Critérios de excelência; Boas práticas.