出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Child friendly culture, which is a culture that puts forward the main principles of non-discrimination of interests, the right to life and respect for children. As mandated in the article 4 of Law No.23 of 2002 concerning child protection which states that children have the right to be able to live to grow, develop, and participate appropriately according to human dignity and dignity, as well as get protection from violence and discrimination. But has this child-friendly culture been effectively implemented in the Indonesian education system ? this is the concern of the writing team which the writing team made the subject of for in-depth study with the post-positivism paradigm, with a conceptual approach with the expected results in the form of analytical descriptions.The results showed that the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Child Friendly Culture in the Education System in Indonesia is not as simple as merely looking at teaching and learning activities, but more broadly including appropriate school programs, a supportive school environment and adequate facilities and infrastructure. This matter by the author will be discussed thoroughly. The results showed that of the three aspects that have been postulated by the author, Indonesia is still unable to apply child-friendly culture properly in the education system. Reflecting on this, the effort to be able to create a child-friendly culture is to create a conducive atmosphere in school, society and family so that students feel comfortable and can express their potential..
关键词:Child Friendly Culture; Education System; Indonesia